Overall I highly recommend this game, but really do I need to. I think that the people running the servers should get their act together, and stop this from happening as often. I'm OK if it happens every once in a while, but there are times when I get three closed lobbies in a row. A problem that has annoyed me throughout my online experience is when game lobbies are closed. Also if you are a guy who feels invincible, and you like to beat down noobs while taking their cash then I also recommend. If your running low, but have the confidence that you can do good you should check it out. Wager Matches are matches where you gamble with your CoD cash. They move slow and act stupid, but it is an excellent way to train. Combat Training involves you fighting against computer player with your friends gamertags. Also there is Combat Training and Wager Matches.
This makes things much less dull and more of a full experience. Now you can only go to a previous map once. Also just recently they listened to some complaints about the Black Ops Next, Prev., and Random map choices. These additions in my opinion are welcomed. Now the campers are forced to fight like actual gamers. No more nukes, quickscoping, and scavenging claymores. Also a lot of complaints from MW2 have been fixed. What really gets you your guns is how good you are. You unlock it, but you still have to pay for it with CoD points. Leveling up doesn't get you a weapon anymore. It has the same matches from MW2, but a few changes have been made. Now we get to the real reason why this game sells. For Treyarch though it is just part of the game. It is flat out fun, and it feels like something that could be sold on X-box Arcade. It is an overhead shooter that involves living as long as possible, and getting a lot of points. Hearing JFK saying quotes from his speeches after killing a zombie is priceless. It is extremely fun, and it is also hilarious. My favorite "Five" takes place in the pentagon where you play as either JFK, Nixon, Castro, or McNamara. (Kino Der Toten, Five, and Dead Ops Arcade) Kino Der Toten is a fun experience with the same familiar gameplay as Nazi Zombies in World at War that we all know and love. Now that I am done with the singleplayer lets talk zombies.

The sound editing is just great showing off a lot of talent. Sure they killed an airport of civilians, but did you blow their limbs off in that game. The violence in this game shows how MW2 are a little squeamish. One thing I loved about World at War was the violence. The graphics, sound editing, and music are all simply top notch stuff. Although Gary Oldman as Reznov is my favorite. As for the rest of the characters I think they did a great job. You feel for his character, and when the twist about the character was made at the end I was simply shocked. Reznov is a character from World at War that you meet in a prison from there he is pretty much your best friend. It's a great story, but what I liked most about the story was the character Reznov. From there it's a trip down memory lane as you go into flashbacks that tell out what led you to this predicament. Your character is being ordered to decode a group of numbers, and find out what they mean. The story takes place in an interrogation room. You want answers just as much as the characters do. It takes place during the Cold War and Vietnam times. The story is without a doubt well written. The controls are the same, but if it ain't broke don't fix it. Their time to show everybody that their games aren't just some appetizers to MW. I love MW, but Treyarch just keeps on brining brilliance to it's games. Treyarch in my opinion shouldn't be put underneath Ininity Ward.